It was on a break from school, late in my university career, on a backpacking trip in South America, that I discovered a new channel for all the time spent on twisting mountain roads, as my journal entries became stories based on our strange local encounters.
I’ve since written in several disciplines, from website copy, online op-ed, animated script punch-up, my own semi-embarrassing blog, and literary fiction.
My First Novel, The Valiant Unheroic, available through this site, was published in 2008. I continue to find mineable minerals in the pulpy dirt of genre fiction with the Western-Crime Hybrid stories of Hollow Grim.
Hollow Grim is the misanthropic son of deceased Marshal Legend Charlie Grim, who splits his time running his local postal outlet and using a heightened sense of observational skill to hunt down federal fugitives in 1890s Nevada.
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